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Phone: 940-383-7100

Fax: 940-383-7111

Check-in and Admission

Entrance and Parking: Entrance is off of Scripture Street. There is a blue sign that reads Texas Health Surgery Center Denton. Parking is located in the front and West side of the building. Entrance is at the front of the building with an awning.

Registration: When you arrive at our center we ask that you check-in at the registration desk.  At this time, we will ask for a copy of your insurance card and identification.   Along with your identification, we will ask you the name of the person that will take you home and stay with you following your procedure.

Following Admission:

  • After checking in at the registration desk, you will be brought to a pre-op room where your nurse will prepare you for surgery.
  • If you are a female and under the age of 55, you may be asked for a urine specimen
  • You may have a family member or a friend stay with you in the preop room until it is time for your surgery.
  • Your surgeon will also meet you to answer any last minute questions you have.
  • Finally, your operating room nurse and anesthesiologist will meet you to discuss your anesthesia and answer any questions.   At the appropriate time that team will escort you to the Operating Room.
  • During surgery your friend or family member will stay in a waiting area and will rejoin you once you are awake in the post anesthesia recovery room.